Monday, May 18, 2009

Beep, beep, beep

No I'm not swearing. Last night I took a beep test. It was the first time in a very long time, I think I did one when I was at high school (but maybe that was in a movie a saw back in the day).

It's part of a running and fitness campaign work is doing and I though why not get involved, I'm up here to do something a bit different with my life. If you're not familiar with the fitness exam it involves running from one set of cones to another before the pre-recored beep beats you. As you progress through the levels the beeps get closer together and the test gets harder.

The test wasn't as scary as I imagined. I was doing well but I stopped at a point a few beeps before I would have passed out or vomited or maybe even both. I got up to level 8-4 which is pretty good.

The goal I'm working towards is to do a 5km run in a respectable time. I know its not very ambitious but hey it's a start.

So the training started today. I just got back from the gym, legs this morning. I hope they're not too sore tomorrow as I've got another run as part of the campaign. I wounder if I can still eat Barra Burgers?

1 comment:

  1. I think Barra Burgers have the perfect amount of carbs for a good run :)
