It's so cold in the office I have to get outside for lunch. Well that's my excuse. It's true that the air conditioning is a little colder than I'd like but I do love to sit and eat my lunch on a bench between the Supreme Court and the NT Parliament house. 
Where I sit you can look out across the manicured lawns and the water of Beagle Gulf to the Cox Peninsular. Next to the bench there is an amazing tree that has roots hanging down from it's branches searching for nutrients. The tree has a tag nailed to it that says it's spectacular enough to be a significant tree listed on the important trees register.

But what about the lizards the title of this post alludes to? They weren't there today(of course it was the only time so far I've taken my camera along), but they're there. You see them come out of the leafy undergrowth to catch some of the rays of the hot northern sunlight. Some of them are big, others no so and although they're all shy they have loads of personality.
Today it was my turn to bask in the sun for a couples of minutes. Who knows, mabe my legs might get a bit of a healthy glow.
Today it was my turn to bask in the sun for a couples of minutes. Who knows, mabe my legs might get a bit of a healthy glow.
Don't we live in a gorgeous place? Welcome to BLogland!! Mel xx