This evening saw my first excursion to what is known as the 'Darwin Rural Area', which spans for miles. We had an after work run scheduled at
Knuckey Lagoon. It was a place that
neither I or my work college(who was driving) had been to before, both being recent additions to the
NT's population count.
'Don't worry...I have printed a map' I said as we were sprinting out the door with the minutes to the start time of our run counting down
' besides if we get lost we can always call to get directions' I said with a reassuring smile.
The car started. We rolled away from the
kerb. I
opened my bag to get out the map. I looked inside. Gees no map. I fumbled around for my phone. No phone. I had left both of these
necessities on my desk in the rush to get out to the car.
I asked my work-mate if I could borrow their phone. No I couldn't as they had left it at home.
'We'll get there I said' trying to
believe my own words.
We had a lovely sightseeing trip,
traveling through suburbs we had not yet had the chance to
It felt like we were heading in the right direction until we both got a sinking feeling that we could end up at
Yularu if we
kept heading the way we were going. We took the next right turn and things where looking O.K
until we got to the main road.
My driver made the
decision to go left. It was clear to both of us that we had not a clue about our exact coordinates and even less an idea about our destination.
It was at this moment I noticed a Darwin street directory wedged between the gear stick and the driver's seat. 'I don't own a map' my
colleague said. It turns out someone had left it in her car.
Luckily they did
because not long after consulting the map we were at our destination.
Then we had to do the run.